Thunder Precision Resistors had been certified as High Technology manufacturer of high precision electronic components especially of hihg precision resistors in 2015 and will be re-certified in 2017.
2015年2月3日,江西省高企认定工作小组公布了包括《盛雷城精密电阻(江西)有限公司》等241家企业为高新技术企业的通知 。
Thunder Precision Resistor Co., Ltd. has accomplished annual production planand marketing schedule 4 month before the end of the year 2015!中国电子元件行业协会(简称CECA)于1988年11月16日成立。It is a hard year for all manufacturers in China but it is a good developing year for Thunder Precision Resistors.
盛雷城精密电阻有限公司已经提前4个月完成了2015年度的生产计划和市场销售任务,虽然现在经济形势非常不好,盛雷城精密电阻有限公司全体员工利用这个机会,全力以赴开展工艺培训,优化生产操作过程、从而进一步提高产品性能与产品质量的优化季度活动,不仅稳定了军心,而且大大提高了大家的工作积极性与质量意识,产品性能和质量的不断提高的基础建设扎实稳定,为迎接2016年度 发展做好了充分的准备。随着生产产量增加、利润增加,公司员工的福利待遇也大幅度增加了,员工队伍相对稳定性就大幅度增加了。
Thunder Precision Resistors strictlyaccording to the ISO9001:2015 Qulity Mangement System, which manufacture all kinds of high precision resistors with full variety, high precision and good performance,besides high precision matel film resistor, we also have matel film MELF resistors,mold type metal film resistors, high frequency and pulse loading thick film power resistors,current sensor resistors, high precision wirewound resistors,Ultra high working voltage,ultra high ohm value metal glaze film resistors, ultra stability,ultra high precision mould type resistors.
With the expansion of production capacity ,Thunder Precision Resistors own50muin Economic Development Zone of Ganzhou City, Jiangxi the way of attracting investment in 2010.We build production base of high precision resistors.The factory allocatedmanufacture and inspection equipments,professional commitment to R & D , production and sales and services of resistance products, the resistors have characterics with many types, high precision, low temperature coefficient, high stability and high reliability,including EE,UPR,UPRNS,TC,RX series etc.